\documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{titling} \title{LaTeX Article Template} %Name the document between the brackets \author{Your Name} %Put your name between the brackets \date{\today} %Leave this alone and it will automatically use today's date. Change to a specific date if you don't want the date to update automatically. \input{packages} \input{commands} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black, filecolor=magenta, urlcolor=cyan, pdftitle={\thetitle}, %this displays in the web browser window pdfauthor={\theauthor}, pdfsubject={This is a template for making modern-looking LaTex documents}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX, template, article}, } \begin{document} \maketitle %Begin Document \section{Introduction} This is a basic article document. This is my standard document that I like to use that doesn't look too \LaTeX-ey. The table of contents (TOC) for this document updates automatically as long as you use the proper section labels. \subsection{A subsection} This is a subsection. This template currently features sections, subsections, and subsubsections (H1, H2, and H3). \subsubsection{A subsubsection} This is a subsubsection; this is the third level heading. This is an example of a basic table. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} \large{\textbf{A}} & \large{\textbf{Header}} & \large{\textbf{Row}} \\ \hline A & normal & row \\ A & normal & row \\ A & normal & row \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{This is another section} I like to put each sentence of a document on its own line. I think it makes it easier to edit the document later. \LaTeX ignores single line breaks and puts the sentences together into paragraphs. Include an empty line between sentences to start a new paragraph. Here are some examples of other writing elements you might want to use in a document. This is a bulleted list. \begin{itemize} \item This \item is \item a \item bulleted \item list \end{itemize} This is a numbered list. \begin{enumerate} \item This \item is \item a \item numbered \item list \end{enumerate} This is \textbf{bold} and this is \textit{italic} text. This is a \href{https://www.gitlab.com/jakevandervaate/latex-templates}{hyperlink to the repository that has this template}. \end{document}