%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Non-numbered sections % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \titleformat{\section} [block] %shape of the text (options are hang, block, display, runin, leftmargin, rightmargin, drop, wrap and frame) {\LARGE\bfseries} %formatting for the text {} %section label. Any text placed in these brackets will precede the section title. {0em} %space between the labe and the text {} %code that precedes the text [\vspace{-.5em}] %code after the text \titleformat{\subsection} [block] {\Large\bfseries} {} %section label {0em} {} [\vspace{-.5em}] \titleformat{\subsubsection} [block] {\normalsize\bfseries} {} %section label {0em} {} [\vspace{-.5em}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Numbered sections % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\titleformat{\section} %[block] %{\LARGE\bfseries} %{\thesection} %{1em} %{} %[\vspace{-.5em}] %\titleformat{\subsection}[block] %{\Large\bfseries} %{\thesubsection} %{1em} %{} %[\vspace{-.5em}] %\titleformat{\subsubsection}[block] %{\normalsize\bfseries} %{\thesubsubsection} %section label %{1em} %{} %[\vspace{-.5em}] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % End of section numbering commands % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setlength{\parskip}{1em} %The spacing between paragraphs \setlist{nosep} %Single-spacing in lists % Define the \maketitle command that creates the title page and TOC \renewcommand{\maketitle}{ \sffamily %Set san serif font for body text {\Huge\bfseries \thetitle} {\huge\theauthor} {\Large\thedate} \newpage \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} %Change 0 to 3 to number the TOC \tableofcontents \newpage \raggedright }