\documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{titling} \title{Resume} \author{Your Name} \date{\today} \input{packages} \input{commands} \newcommand{\email}{your.email@email.com} \newcommand{\phone}{+1(111)111-1111} \newcommand{\linkedin}{your-linkedin-slug} %slug (the last part) for url \newcommand{\website}{yourwebsiteontheweb.com} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, %"false" disables link colors linkcolor=black, %links elsewhere in document filecolor=black, %color for links to files urlcolor=black, %color for hyperlinked urls pdftitle={\thetitle}, %Populates "title" metadata field pdfauthor={\theauthor}, %Populates "author" metadata field pdfsubject={Resume/CV for \theauthor}, %Populates "subject" metadata pdfkeywords={resume, cv}, %Populates PDF keyword metadata, separate with commas } \begin{document} \sffamily %Set san serif font for body text \maketitle \section{Education} \entry {Name of Degree}{Start Date -- End Date} {Name of University}{City, ST} {\nothing} \entry {Name of Degree}{Start Date -- End Date} {Name of University}{City, ST} { \begin{itemize} \item You can put courses here if you want \item Another course \item Use "\textbackslash nothing" command (seen above) to leave this field blank \end{itemize} } \section{Experience} \entry {Name of Role}{Start Date -- End Date} {Name of Company}{City, ST} { \begin{itemize} \item An amazing thing you did \item Another amazing thing you did \item More amazing stuff \end{itemize} } \entry {Name of Role}{Start Date -- End Date} {Name of Company}{City, ST} { \begin{itemize} \item An amazing thing you did \item Another amazing thing you did \item More amazing stuff \end{itemize} } \section{Projects} \entry {Name of Project}{Start Date -- End Date} {Describe project}{\href{link_to_project.com}{website link or City, ST}} { Describe the project in a paragraph if you'd like. Say some nice things about it. Maybe highlight some of the tools you used below. \textbf{Tools Used:} Software, Hardware, other tools } \section{Skills} \begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{Programming Languages} & Example, example, example, example \\ \textbf{Markup Languages} & Example, example, example, example \\ \textbf{Graphic Design} & Example, example, example \end{tabular} \end{document}